Geechi Suede and I had been in touch on and off for years after I interviewed Camp Lo for Bboysounds in 2015. We’ve had a couple tracks in the works since mid 2021, and earlier this year we decided to team up as “Suede Chief” to put out a series of joints on Bboysounds Black Label Breaks.
As an avid Camp Lo fan since 1997 – “Uptown Saturday Night” was among the first few LPs I bought when I started on turntables, and it’s been framed on my wall for years – this is obviously insane. I’ve always admired Geechi and Sonny Cheeba for maintaining their same style and delivery over 25 years later, and steadily putting out dope music over all these years.

The first single we dropped in March was “Make It Mo Betta” along with a cypher remix.
Once Geechi sent over his vocals for the original version, I immediately started working on the remix, guided by the feel of the vocals. The scratches for the original version came from a verse on a yet-to-be-released track, and stayed in from the first draft of the beat to the final version.
“Make It Mo Betta” was meant to be Suede Chief’s introduction to the people, and responses to the tracks have been dope.
The follow-up single is “Boogie Down King” with a battle remix.
The original version started as something special I produced in preparation for playing the ProAm in Miami in June of 2022. I was encouraged by Grand Wizzard Theodore’s reaction to the track, as the whole vibe was based on his single “Fantastic Freaks at the Dixie.”
Geechi heard the beat and threw down his verses, and as soon as I heard them, I had a remix in mind that I started working on immediately. I had a preliminary version ready just in time to play at the USA Breakin’ championships in Wynwood during Art Basel, 2022.
Our third drop was “From the Bronx” with “Backspin to a Windmill” on the b-side.
“From the Bronx” was in in the works since summer 2021, after Geechi sent a test version of his verse and hook over the beat, and a preliminary version was included on my “21 Drum Salute” mixtape. We refreshed the track with some updated scratches and updated mixing and mastering. The legend Flashback, my old friend and DJ comrade from Orlando, provided the scratch sample “Bboy breaks.”
Next came “Party People,” with an extra wild “Battle Edit” for the DJs…

Big thanks to everyone who has listened and supported the effort! Check out the Suede Chief website, and sign up for emails for upcoming drops here.
Click here to check out limited edition shirts and sticker packs.
Stay tuned for much more…
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